Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Practice doesn't help?

When Playing Halo (which I play a lot) I always imagine that I'm going to do better....this time. Hey, I've worked on my BR, I've practiced using the SpLazer, sniper, and rockets, I know the maps and where the weapons spawn, Hiding spots, even map strategies. I feel I have the knowledge to be able to compete, but this is not the case. I almost always end up negative and even those rare time I end up positive its + sad.

Here is an example (social slayer for that matter): I start off good on High Ground grab the SpLazer and attempt to go to work. I take out the Ghost, and get a couple of kills..I even make my way to a spree, but then it happens...Death after death after death. A complete embarrassment. Even after starting with a spree I go negative and I'm give them thier last three kills. Sad Face...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have to believe that I can't be the only Crappy Gamer on earth. I know there are others out their just wanting to vent their frustrations with Video Games they play. I know I suck at games. This is never and should never be debated, but I still love to play them. Just to give you an example of how bad I am at games...

1. I have over 300 Ranked games in Halo 3 and I'm still a 12 true skill.

2. I have played 21 games under may tagged and still haven't reached Gamer score of 3000

3. Most game I can only beat through the lovely co-op option that most games have now.

4. I have only completed two games on the 360 without help Oblivion and Fable 2.

There are many other examples of how much I suck at games, but I will save some of those stories for another time.

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease

XGC Dr Monk